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Hello and welcome to Indited Fiction, a blog where all your storytelling dreams come true!

My name is Christina! I take a great interest in writing, poetry and literary creativity. 

If you're an aspiring writer, a future writer, or even just a reader. This is just the blog you need! I blog (And Podcast) about books, writing, and creativity to help inspire you and your literary works!

Creating stories that soar is my motto and finding pathways to writing success is my promise.

I hope you’ll stick around and find joy in the content I can provide.

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book recommendation



At seven, Jude’s entire life imploded, leaving her orphaned and reliant on her kidnapper after being whisked away to live in Faerie. At seventeen, Jude wants nothing more than to fit in, despite her own mortality. But many of the Fae despise humans, especially the youngest son of the High King. Cunning, charming, cruel and wicked, Prince Cardan has a real mean streak when it comes to Jude. But the tides are changing. Swept into a deadly game of politics, Jude must stay one step ahead to come out victorious. 

The Cruel Prince is centered around cutthroat fae, scheming royals and a Political Intrigue (of epic proportions). An all-round immersive novel.

Managing expectations and Building a fanbase.

From the beginning, every author has a vision of what kind of novelist they want to be. It’s often based on what success they’ve witnessed in the literary world, the kind of books they’ve enjoyed reading, or the education they’ve received.

But as the writer’s journey unfolds, what becomes apparent is that reality is often very different to those dreams and expectations…

Today’s post will delve into how to manage your expectations as an author, as you dive into this crazy writing world.

As a writer and a reader, you’ll have heard those crazy overnight success stories, you’ll know of authors who are raking in the six-figure deals, and you’ll be familiar with authors who, as far as you know, have always been authors.

This next section is about helping authors rein in unrealistic expectations, and preparing them for what is, in most cases, a long hard slog to success…

1. Expect rejection

This is something all new writers are told: expect rejection, don’t expect to get published, don’t expect to make any money from your craft, expect bad reviews. I once had a writing teacher say, ‘If you can, mooch off your parents for as long as you possibly can’…

What none of this so-called advice was followed up with was: it’s not because you’re not good enough.

And it’s genuinely not. So many other factors contribute to whether or not your story gets published, how it’s received, or if readers want to read more of your work.

Timing, what a press is already publishing, how the reader feels on the day, budget, and everything else in between can influence the outcome of a book.

Rejection will most likely always sting, but the knowledge that rejection isn’t personal and isn’t always a reflection of the quality of your work is a powerful thing to have.

2. Make author friends

This is something that I feel isn’t stressed enough to new writers – make friends with other writers. It is these people in your life who will understand the rejections, the frustrations with characters, the seemingly never-ending revisions and all the rest…

Personally, I would not be where I am today without the support of the writing friends I’ve made along the way.

In addition to the emotional support, they provide you with advice on your writing when you can’t see straight anymore, they talk through contracts with you, and they let you know if they think you’re getting the short end of the stick.

Whether you make these writing friends online or through a writing course or degree, you’ll be a better writer for it. These people tend to be your rock as you go through all the ups and downs of writing life. After all, no one gets it like a fellow author.

3. Don't stress the little things

For the longest time, I was concerned with being pigeonholed as a writer who wrote ‘women’s fiction’. It was around the time where authors like Jonathan Franzen and Jeffrey Eugenides were being hailed as literary geniuses while their female counterparts like Meg Wolitzer and Emma Donoghue were being cast aside because they wrote ‘women’s fiction’.

Now, this is not the time or place to get into a conversation about what ‘women’s fiction’ is or isn’t, and the lit snobbery that seems to follow it around, but either way – this was not what I wanted to write.

All of the books by these authors centred around regular adult life, full of domestic scenes and the general dramas of life. However, it was because the latter were women, and only because of this, that their work was deemed less credible.

As a woman who was trying to write ‘serious’ fiction, this was incredibly disheartening.

What I’ve learned though, is this: for most of us, at the beginning stages of our careers – it doesn’t matter. We’re still growing as authors, we’re still finding our style and our audience.

I think back to when I was concerned about being pigeonholed and it seems silly, because now, I write all kinds of different books: YA fantasy, romantic fantasy and nonfiction, and you know what? None of it is ‘serious literary fiction’.

I want to enjoy what I write, and this means experimenting and above all else – writing what I enjoy reading.

4. Utilise/Strengthen your skill set

This may seem like an odd one, but from what I can tell, publishing-savvy authors tend to do this a lot…

Identify your skill set outside of writing your book. Are you an online whiz? Do you have a background in marketing? Do you work for a local publication? Are you interning at a publishing house? Are you a natural leader? Are you a social media addict?

Think about what you’re good at and brainstorm ways that these skills can be utilised to help move your writing career forward.

For instance, a social media addict might, as they write their book, also build up their Twitter following by reaching out to similar authors, relevant reviewers, or book bloggers in their chosen genre.

Utilising their existing skill set or passion could very well benefit their writing career further down the track. In this case, the author would have an existing ‘readership’ to market their book to.

It’s forward thinking like this that can help move your career along when you feel like things are getting a little stagnant.

5. Don't put all your eggs in the one basket

This has been one of the most difficult lessons for me to learn, despite the fact that it seems like common sense…

This advice applies to writing life in general:

  • Don’t rely on one single source of traffic or one single platform for your income - diversify as much as you can

  • Don’t just listen to one critic or beta reader; get the opinion of multiple people.

  • Don’t stop writing just because you’ve finished your manuscript. Keep writing, whether you start another book, you write a short story or a poem, or you contribute to a magazine – being a writer means that you actually write.

See? Putting your eggs in multiple baskets makes for a much healthier literary life.

While this is, of course, just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the decisions you’ll have to make as an author, asking yourself these questions early on in your career can help you manage your expectations and journey later down the track.

Building a loyal fan base is essential for long-term success. It's not just about getting readers to buy your book, but about getting them to fall in love with your work and author brand.

Of course, the question is, “How?”

If you’re looking for ways to engage with your readers and build a loyal readership around your writing, dust off your thinking cap, and start approaching the problem in a new way.

Start by studying other authors, genres, and even industries.

What techniques and strategies are they using to engage with their ideal people?

You might find that many of the challenges other authors, bloggers, podcasters, or businesses face in terms reaching their target audience are similar to your own, but that they’ve developed really ingenious ways of solving them...

How can you engage with your readers?

Repurposing Content Across Different Platforms

Many content creators face the challenge of reaching their target audience on multiple platforms, such as a blog, podcast, and social media. To solve this challenge, some creators repurpose their content across different platforms. For example, a blogger might turn their blog post into a podcast episode, and a podcaster might turn their podcast episode into a blog post. By repurposing their content, creators can reach their target audience on multiple platforms, and maximize the impact of their content.

Partnering with Other Creators or Businesses

Another way creators are reaching their target audience is by partnering with other creators or businesses. By collaborating with others in their industry, creators can cross-promote their content and reach new people. For example, a blogger might guest post on another blog in their niche, or a podcaster might collaborate with another podcaster on a joint episode. By partnering with others, creators can expand their reach and create new opportunities for growth.

Using Influencer Marketing

Businesses also face the challenge of reaching their target audience in a crowded market. To solve this challenge, some businesses are using influencer marketing. By partnering with social media influencers, businesses can tap into the influencer's audience and promote their products or services to a wider audience. For example, a beauty brand might partner with a beauty influencer to promote their latest product launch. By leveraging the influencer's audience, the brand can increase their reach and attract new customers.

Creating Personalized Content

Creators and businesses are using personalized content to reach and engage with their target audience. By creating content that speaks directly to their target audience's needs, desires, and interests, creators and businesses can create a stronger connection with their audience. For example, a fitness blogger might create a personalized workout plan for their readers based on their fitness goals, or a tech company might send personalized emails to their customers based on their past purchases. By creating personalized content, creators and businesses can build a loyal audience that is more likely to engage with their content or products.

So how could you implement some of these strategies into your own marketing plan to further build a connection with your readers?

Here are some additional examples of how you might engage with readers in a unique way:

1. A bestselling author of epic fantasy novels has a unique way of engaging with his readers through his Annotations. After completing each book, he writes a detailed analysis of the book chapter-by-chapter. This analysis includes insights into his writing process, behind-the-scenes information, and additional context to the plot. This offers readers a unique look into his creative process, and a deeper understanding of his books.

2. Another author regularly hosts book-inspired dinners for her readers. These dinners are hosted in partnership with local restaurants and feature a menu inspired by the book. The author attends the dinners, signs books, and interacts with her readers. These dinners are a unique way for readers to engage with the book and the author, and have become a popular event in the book community.

3. A bestselling author of young adult novels runs a fan art contest each year, inspired by her books. Readers submit fan art inspired by the book, and the author selects winners who receive signed copies of the book and other prizes.

4. A bestselling author of romance novels runs a book club for her readers on Instagram. Every month, she selects a book for her readers to read and discuss together. She also offers exclusive giveaways and merchandise for book club members. By engaging with her readers in this way, the author has built a loyal readership that eagerly anticipates each new release.

Authors, creators, and businesses are solving the challenge of reaching and engaging with their target audience in many innovative ways, including repurposing content, partnering with others, using influencer marketing, and creating personalized content.

Help your readers to fall in love with you and your work!

By adopting some of these strategies, you can reach new audiences, expand your reach, and build a loyal and eager fanbase around your writing.

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