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Flower Vase and Coral

Write With Me & Showcase Your Skills!

Thank you for your enthusiasm in wishing to submit a guest post. The following guidelines will aid you in understanding if Indited Fiction is the perfect medium for the content you wish to submit for publishing:


  1. It should keep with the niche of this site. We publish articles on Writing, Creativity, Mindset, Productivity and Reading. Though any relevant topics/subtopics are welcomed! Please do not submit articles on Publishing or editing as this is a platform to hone pre-existing writing skills BEFORE they are sent for publishing and editing.

  2. Our target audience are Readers and unpublished writers. Please give a read to our most recent blog posts to understand the type of content we want to publish on our blog. 

  3. Your post may be 800 words or longer (5k is fine too if you're writing an extensive article or a compilation.)

  4. Do NOT hyperlink texts or images. Kindly include the links separately (as URL slugs) at the bottom of your document along with proper credits to any referenced external sources (including picture credits if used)

  5. The post must be unpublished and specifically for Indited Fiction. Kindly refrain from sending posts you have published elsewhere or plan to publish in the future, Indited Fiction takes pride in its unique content and if any plagiarism (intended or unintended) if found we will unfortunately have to return the submission for revaluation. Please check for plagiarism here: Grammarly Plagiarism Reviewer.

  6. Include a short summary. Once your submission is accepted we will email you with the next steps, it is required that you include a short biography of who you are and what you do. You may include links to your online presence and social media sites. We will paste this biography at the end of the posts.


By submitting your guest post, you comply with these guidelines.



Guest Posting and contribution space available for the following topics:



    • Writing (tips, tricks, tools and hacks)​

    • Inspiration (Writing prompts, story starters)​

    • Blogging (tips, tricks, tools and hacks)

    • Reading (book recommendations, Reading prompts)

    • Any other Relevant topic.


* Kindly check if the post you're writing about is not similar to any of the posts already published (if you need ideas, feel free to check my blog)


  • Flash Fiction

    • Genres

      • Murder Mystery, Adventure, Romance, Horror, historical fiction, fantasy, sci-fi

      • Contemporary fiction, literary fiction


All flash fiction stories will be given for review in the book club and may/or may not be published on the blog. 


Refrain from writing about religion, race, ethnicity, Castes, and Politics

For writing tips, go here.


For collaboration opportunities:

  • Podcast/Blog interviews (Podcast audio is recorded by voice overs)

  • Book/WIP promotion


If you are interested please LINK your pieces as a google doc and fill in the form below: -


* If we publish your post, the rights transfer to Indited Fiction. Indited Fiction may republish the post in compilations, eBooks and other outlets. You will still receive credit as the author and original content creator.

Contact Information

Thanks for submitting, it may take up to 72 hours for your work to be reviewed, unless we are getting a mass number of guest posts, then the reviewing time may vary from 3 days to one week. If you haven't got a confirmation after 1 week, please email

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