TALKSHOW with Irene Zachariah, a snippet from this months magazine
Here is a short Talkshow I held with Irene Zachariah that is featured in this months magazine! (DOWNLOAD LINK AT THE END)
Today's talk show of the month features Irene
Zachariah. She too is an aspired author and blogger,
and one of the most daily readers of my blog. in this
talk show, we were discussing everything from
blogging and writing. Irene Zachariah is also one of my
closest friends and blogging buddy. here are 5
questions related to writing and blogging, that she and
I were asked to answer:
Being a blogger and writer, how much time do you
spend on each, and how do you juggle both of them?
IRENE: Well, I study for an hour, and the rest of the
time, I try my best to be free. So, during these free
hours, I give some time to check my blog. For me, it
takes less time to study. But if you take a long time, I
think you should equal importance to studies too.
CHRISTINA: I always keep extra time for writing but
not blogging, though I do not make it much of a priority,
it is still my responsibility that I should take care of. I
keep a specific time for practicing my writing and if I
have extra in between, I use it to update or write posts.
What advice would you give to newbie/beginner writers
who want to start the skill of writing?
IRENE: Experiment with new things. Every time you
write, try doing something new. Mix things up. Add on.
Remember there is no end to anything, so experiment
with new things.
CHRISTINA: Practicing, the only way to experience
true success is through hard and continuous work,
without it, you will be lost.
Most common writing mistakes most writers make?
IRENE: I'd say no proper planning. Writers they write
their story, but they often forget to plan things out.
Everything has a story. Remember to note down the
important points. You could even draw it as a flowchart
in your notepad. Whatever you do, convey the main
theme of the piece. That makes an impact.
CHRISTINA: Well this isn't too common but it is a very
big mistake. lack of conflict. If there are no problems in
your story, there isn't a reason to read it. Keep the
reader engaged and at the end of their seat to find out
what happens next.
Who inspires you to keep on writing (author or person who is your inspiration)
IRENE: I am currently on a search of whether my writing skill is genetic or not.
Till now, nothing. But I think 4 things are my inspiration. Firstly, the
environment. If you ever had seen my poems, they are mostly related to the
elements of nature. The second thing that inspires me is movies. I am a
movie-lover and I have this habit of thinking of a continuation to all the movies
I watch. So, I pen down those ideas that fly into my mind and I try to do
something with it. Thirdly, it's my family. They are the reason I am writing.
Their support always makes me write more. And last, but not least, Christina.
Yes, the owner of this wonderful blog, Christina. We have been in
the same class for 2 years and it was only last year that our class discovered
her writing skill. And the book which inspired me to write my first book is
'Nonae- The Ninth Planet.' The enthusiasm she had while posting those
chapters is something I can't miss. These are my 4 inspirations which makes
me write more.
CHRISTINA: For me, it's my friends, family, and my blog readers. They keep
motivating and supporting me in my passion and they are always there when
I'm down, and I am always grateful to them.
How would you describe blogging? Why did you decide to blog?
IRENE: Blogging is a way through which people use to show their talents. It is
also a good platform for soft-spoken people to show their talents. The reason I
start my blog is to inspire people. In fact, my New Year resolution for 2021 is
to inspire people. I want the world to know nothing is impossible. With
dedication and hard work, you can achieve anything. People who personally
know that I am known for my voice, but very few know that I am a writer. So, I
want to show my hidden writing talent.
CHRISTINA: I started blogging as a way to get my profile more visibility, I
wanted to help people around the world, without the need to meeting them
directly, and decided to create my own website.
What is one of the major issues you see in this world when it comes to writing?
IRENE: Self -demotivation. The world compares everything with others. Be it
money, clothes, food, education, work, everything is compared to something
or the other. And this often leads to self-demotivation. Instead of seeing the
negative side, see the bright light. When you think someone writes better than
you, don't think "He/ She writes so much better than me. She will be a great
writer someday, but I'll still stay here." Instead, think "She/ He writes better
than me. But soon, I'll take that spot." Motivate yourself to write more. Think
that you are the best and keep writing.
CHRISTINA: For me it's competitiveness, You can't compare yourself to others
unless you know yourself. Don't think about the people better than you, focus
on how you can better yourself. Being competitive makes you lose your focus
and goals, it makes you compare yourself to others.