Types of folders you need on your laptop
We all type in our stories on our laptop, but have you ever wondered where you were going to save them? Productivity is one of my main goals while writing, and I'd like to stay organized while doing so.
This post shows you 5 necessary folders you need on your laptop to stay organized.
1. Write-ups We all have those 20-something files saved to our documents, its time we sorted out everything and grouped all your write-ups into one folder. Create a designated folder for all your write-ups, if you write poems and stories, create a sub folder titled as poems and another for stories, this keeps everything organized and handy for quick for editing. Your files will automatically save in alphabetical order, but you can change the order to the date you modified each file separately. 2. Sub folder for genres So now you grouped your write-ups together, and you realized you wrote a lot more than you expected in the last year... what now? Create sub folders for each genre, if you have written a mix of adventure, mystery or fantasy stories, group them in their individual sub folder for a more organized look If you feel you've written a lot more adventure genre stories than the rest, then create sub folder with their sub genres ex. Write-ups >> Adventure >> Adventure-fantasy Sub folders are easier to group files from a specific folder. 3. Work in progress There are works that haven't been completed yet, do I have to go through all these folders every time I need to work on them? No. Create another folder for Work-in Progress, this would be your most engaged folder as and when your done you would place them in their designated folders/sub folders. Creating WIP's is a way more quicker way to access files you need to complete without going through all those levels of sub folders to find it. 4. Calendars This is a neat trick for all those goal setters out there. Create 12 folders of all the months of the year, and 4 subfolders for each week. Then proceed to input calendars, goals, notes events, trackers, routine etc. and fill up all the file for each week. By the end of a month you'll know exactly if you achieved your goals, where you spent the most time, what took your time and so much more, on of the most productive trick I've ever learned. On the other hand, if you're low on file space, you could go to trello.com and create your own personal calendar or you could use the templates they offer for free. Airtable is another good alternative. I use one-note (goodnotes for iPad) I created my 2021 planner and input all the necessary content (calendars, notes, events, etc.) Keeping track is the first step to consistency. 5. Resources Always, always keep a folder for your resources, it could be writing calendars, checklists, e-books, worksheet or any other digital resources that can benefit you Storing these resources make its easier to refer back when in doubt and to level up on your already know knowledge, workbooks are great ways to harness your preexisting skills! Again, you can create sub folders for all your resources, but that's up to you! I hope you enjoyed this post, tell me in the comments how you stay digitally organized!